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(ql:quickload :trivialib.type-unify)
in introspect-environment.;;; ------------- type-unify1 --------------
;;; single query variant
(type-unify1 '(a) ; type variable
'(array a *) ; template
'(array char (3))) ; actual type specifier
;; '((A . CHAR)), T ; unification
;;; It is able to infer that the STRING type is actually an abbreviation of (ARRAY CHARACTER *).
;;; note that our code does not depend on an implimentation-dependent TYPEXPAND in this regard.
;;; (== we do not require TYPEXPAND will expand STRING into (ARRAY CHARACTER *).
;;; For the detailed mechanism, see the source code of TYPE-R.)
(type-unify1 '(a b)
'(array a b)
;; ((A . CHARACTER) (B . *)), T
;;; Nested types
(type-unify1 '(a b)
'(cons (cons a b) (cons b a))
'(cons (cons fixnum string) (cons string fixnum)))
;; ((A . FIXNUM) (B . STRING)), T
;;; deftyped types are expanded by typexpand --- implementation dependent.
;;; Works on major implementation: ccl, sbcl.
;;; Using introspect-environment as a compatibility layer.
(deftype cons2 (x) `(cons ,x ,x))
;; CONS2
(type-unify1 '(a b)
'(cons2 (cons2 a))
'(cons (cons fixnum fixnum) (cons fixnum fixnum)))
;; ((A . FIXNUM)), T
(type-unify1 '(a b)
'(cons (cons a a) (cons a a))
'(cons2 (cons2 fixnum)))
;; ((A . FIXNUM)), T
;;; number-related types
(type-unify1 '(a) '(integer * a) 'fixnum)
;; ((A . 4611686018427387903)), T
(type-unify1 '(a) '(integer * a) '(unsigned-byte 5))
;; ((A . 31)), T
(type-unify1 '() `(integer ,most-negative-fixnum ,most-positive-fixnum) 'FIXNUM)
;; NIL, T
;;; ------------- type-unify --------------
;;; multi-query variant
(type-unify '(a)
'(a a)
'((array * 6) (array char *)))
;; --> '((a . (and (array * 6) (array char *)))), t
;;; We do not try to merge the resulting assignment of unification.
;;; However, we DO detect the disjointness of types.
(type-unify '(a) '(a a) '((array * 6) (array * 7))) ; -> nil, nil
(type-unify '(a) '(a a) '((array * 6) (array * (* *)))) ; -> nil, nil
(type-unify '(a) '(a a) '((array * (* * *)) (array * (* *)))) ; -> nil, nil
(type-unify '(a) '(a a) '((array * (* *)) (array * (* * *)))) ; -> nil, nil
(type-unify '(a) '(a a) '((array base-char) (array extended-char))) ; -> nil, nil
(type-unify '(a) '(a a) '(complex real)) ; -> nil, nil
(type-unify '(a) '(a a) '(rational float)) ; -> nil, nil
(type-unify '(a) '(a a) '(integer ratio)) ; -> nil, nil
;; When no assignment is required, it means a success, and the secondary value is T.
(type-unify '(a) '() '()) ;; -> nil, t (a is unassigned)
(type-unify '() '() '()) ;; -> nil, t (a is unassigned)
(type-unify '() '(fixnum) '(fixnum)) ;; -> nil, t (a is unassigned)
(type-unify '() '(number) '(fixnum)) ;; -> nil, t (a is unassigned)
This library is at least tested on implementation listed below:
Also, it depends on the following libraries:
Copyright (c) 2015 Masataro Asai (
Licensed under the LLGPL License.