

git clone 'https://github.com/brown/swank-crew.git'

(ql:quickload :swank-crew)

Swank Crew

Swank Crew is a distributed computation framework written in Common Lisp that uses Swank Client to evaluate forms on remote hosts.

Swank Crew works with Emacs and Slime to make developing distributed applications easier. Typically, you interactively develop code on a master machine using Slime. Code on the master uses the Swank Crew API to farm out work to a gang of worker machines. If code on a worker generates an exception, a Slime stack trace window pops up and you can interactively debug the problem using your existing Slime connection to the master.

The Swank Crew API

connect-workers Create a worker pool containing a set of worker Lisps. disconnect-workers Disconnect all the workers in a worker pool. eval-form-all-workers Evaluate a form on all the workers in a worker pool. eval-form-repeatedly Evaluate a form repeatedly on the workers in a pool and collect the results on the master. eval-repeatedly-async-state Evaluate a form repeatedly on the workers in a pool while asynchronously updating the workers' state. parallel-mapcar Use the workers in a worker pool to evaluate a function on all the elements of a list. parallel-reduce Use the workers in a worker pool to evaluate a function on all the elements of a list. As results return to the master, call a function repeatedly to reduce them to one value.

For more information, see the documentation strings for the above functions in master.lisp and the example code in swank-crew_test.lisp.


Swank Crew functions best when used with Slime. In order to implement the distributed Slime debugging features described above, you must patch swank.lisp in the directory where you installed Slime:

patch path/to/slime/swank.lisp swank.lisp-patch

The change to swank.lisp implements the forwarding of Swank protocol messages from worker machines through the master's Swank server back to your Slime client. It's needed to debug problems on worker machines using your Slime connection to the master.