git clone ''
(ql:quickload :stumpwm)
Stumpwm is a window manager written entirely in Common Lisp. It
attempts to be highly customizable while relying entirely on the
keyboard for input. You will not find buttons, icons, title bars, tool
bars, or any of the other conventional GUI widgets.
These design decisions reflect the growing popularity of productive, customizable lisp based systems.
Stumpwm is a “everything-and-the-kitchen-sink WM” or “the emacs of WMs.”
If you want a minimalist tiling window manager, then StumpWM is not what you're looking for. The code base is ~15k sloc, the binaries produced are ~60mb.
StumpWM manages windows the way emacs manages buffers, or the way screen manages terminals. If you want a flexible, customizable, hackable desktop experience, look no further.
The recommended way to install the dependencies is using Quicklisp.
Follow the instructions at to install it.
In short:
$ curl -O
$ sbcl --load quicklisp.lisp
Or insert your favorite lisp distribution (clisp, ccl or ecl).
Then at the REPL:
Make sure you have added it to your lisp init file using:
Then, in a repl:
(ql:quickload "clx")
(ql:quickload "cl-ppcre")
Building stumpwm from git requires that you build the configure script:
If there's already a configure script then just run it.
By default stumpwm selects sbcl. If you have multiple lisps installed,
you can explicitly select clisp, ccl, or ecl like so:
./configure --with-lisp=clisp
If your lisps are in strange places you may need to tell the script
where to find them:
./configure --with-sbcl=/home/sabetts/opt/bin/sbcl
./configure --with-clisp=/usr/local/downstairs/to/the/left/clisp
Now build it:
If all goes well, you should have a stumpwm binary now. You can run
the binary from where it is or install it, along with the .info
documentation, with:
make install
Now that you have a binary, call it from your ~/.xinitrc file:
echo /path/to/stumpwm >> ~/.xinitrc
Hopefully that will put you in X running stumpwm! See StartUp on the
wiki for more
For stumpwm to work as intended with multiple monitors setups the
utility is needed.
Pull requests are always welcome! Here are some guidelines to ensure
that your contribution gets merged in a timely manner:
* Do's
* Add your name to the list of AUTHORS with your pull request.
* Preserve comments or docstrings explaining what code does, and
update them if your patch changes them in a significant way
* Try to follow an “80 column rule.” The current code base does not
follow this all the time, so don't use it as an example
* Use lisp idioms
* If you are working on a major change to the internals, keep us
informed on stumpwm-devel! Also, it will probably help if the
changes are made and the incrementally applied to the codebase in
order to avoid introducing show-stopping bugs.
* Do not's
* Include emacs local variables
* Change whitespace
* Write lots of code without supporting comments/documentation
* Delete comments or docstrings (yes this is a duplicate of above!)
* Export symbols from packages that aren't widely useful (many times
a little more thought will reveal how to implement your internal
change without having to export/break encapsulation)
* Make stylistic changes that suit your coding style/way of thinking
Our wiki has fallen into disarray/disrepair, but it is shaping up. If you aren't a lisp hacker, you can contribute in the form of documenting and organizing the wiki. There's a lot of information floating around, if you find it where you didn't expect it, move or link to it in a more logical place.
Fancy yourself a lisp hacker? Here's a wishlist of features for the StumpWM universe (in no particular order): * float-splits (ie allow floating windows over tiled ones) * Float windows within parent applications (specifically dialogs in gimp or firefox). * tab-list showing the contents of the current frame at the side, top, or bottom of the frame * Emacs' iswitchb function implemented in emacs * Re-arranging windows between groups * Killing windows * Marking windows for batch operations * Deleting/adding groups * Import data from stumpwm to emacs, use an emacs minor mode to implement the above features, then export the data back to stumpwm and let stumpwm perform the appropriate actions * Emacs' completing-read-multiple function * Dynamic tiling * Lock Screen (with support for leaving notes, bonus points if emacs is involved) * Wallpapers! (support pulling from remote sources, changing based on timers, and other hacky features) * Shutdown, restart, suspend, and hibernate functions that don't require root access * Revamped, mouse-friendly mode-line. * Support fixed number of chars for window titles * Dynamically trimp window titles to fit them all on the mode-line * Split the mode-line into multiple cells for containing different information * Implement widget icons to indicate system status (new mail, low battery, network etc) * Support raising windows when left-clicked, closing/killing when right-clicked
On 64bit platforms, CCL reserves a “very large” amount of virtual memory. If this bothers you for some reason, you can pass the -R or –heap-reserve option to the binary in your ~/.xinitrc file. See for an explanation.
There's a texinfo manual, stumpwm.texi. The build scripts generate an info file you can read in emacs or with the `info' program. The manual for the latest git version (may be slightly out of date) is available to read online at: The Manual
And, as in emacs, you can always do “C-t h v,f,k,c,w” for docstrings of Variable,Functions,Keys,Commands, and Where-is respectively.
For other stuff (tips tricks and examples) visit the stumpwm wiki
There's a #stumpwm channel on, too.
Finally, there's our mailing list (click to sign up)