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(ql:quickload :snooze)

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Snooze is an URL router for Common Lisp: it maps back and forth between URL strings and CL concepts. It's designed around REST web services.

The primary goal is to make the programmer stay as close to the regular Lisp idioms as possible, even while writing with HTTP in mind.

Here's one such REST service to access Lisp documentation over HTTP:

(defpackage #:readme-demo (:use #:cl #:snooze))
(in-package #:readme-demo)

(defun find-symbol-or-lose (name package)
  (or (find-symbol (string name) (find-package package))
      (http-condition 404 "Sorry, no such symbol")))

(defroute lispdoc (:get :text/* name &key (package :cl) (doctype 'function))
  (or (documentation (find-symbol-or-lose name package) doctype)
      (http-condition 404 "Sorry, ~a doesn't have any ~a doc" name doctype)))

(defroute lispdoc (:post :text/plain name &key (package :cl) (doctype 'function))
  (setf (documentation (find-symbol-or-lose name package) doctype)

;; Let's use clack as a server backend
(clack:clackup (snooze:make-clack-app) :port 9003)

No regular expressions, annotations or funny argument-matching syntax: routes not only look like functions, they are functions.

Here are the routes thus defined and some of the error reporting you get for free:

GET /lispdoc/defun                         => 200 OK
GET /lispdoc/funny-syntax?package=snooze   => 404 Not found
GET /lispdoc/in/?valid=args                => 400 Bad Request
GET /lispdoc/defun                         => 406 Not Acceptable 
Accept: application/json

POST /lispdoc/scan?package=cl-ppcre        => 200 OK 
Content-type: text/plain

POST /lispdoc/defun                        => 415 Unsupported Media Type 
Content-type: application/json

Checkout the tutorial, which builds on this application. If you're intrigued about how and why URI paths become symbols arguments to your routes, read here

Ah, snooze is kinda BETA and the usual disclaimer of warranty applies.


Snooze maps REST/HTTP concepts to Common Lisp concepts:

| HTTP concept | Snooze CL concept | | :———————————– | ———————————-: | | Verbs (GET, POST, DELETE, etc) | CLOS specializer on first argument | | Accept: and Content-Type: | CLOS specializer on second argument | | URI path (/path1/path2/path3)) | Required and optional arguments | | URL queries (?param=value&p2=v2) | Keyword arguments | | Status codes (404, 500, etc) | CL conditions |

This has some advantages, for example

There are many Common Lisp systems that provide HTTP routing like caveman, cl-rest-server,restas and ningle. Unfortunately, they tend to make you learn some extra route-definition syntax.


Consider the sample above. Let's pick up where we left off, and build a bit on our docstring-manipulating application. We'll see how to:

This tutorial assumes you're using a recent version of quicklisp so start by entering this into your REPL.

(push "path/to/snoozes/parent/dir" quicklisp:*local-project-directories*)
(ql:quickload :snooze)


Let's start by serving docstrings in HTML. As seen above, we already have a route which matches any text:

(defroute lispdoc (:get :text/* name &key (package :cl) (type 'function))
  (or (documentation (find-symbol-or-lose name package) type)
      (http-condition 404 "Sorry no ~a doc for ~a" type name)))

To add HTML support, we just notice that text/html is text/*. Also because routes are really only CLOS methods, the easiest way is:

(defroute lispdoc :around (:get :text/html name &key &allow-other-keys)
  (format nil "<h1>Docstring for ~a</h1><p>~a</p>"
          name (call-next-method)))

Though you should probably escape the HTML with something like cl-who's escape-string-all. You might also consider specializing directly to text/html once you start needing some more HTML-specific behaviour.

Finally, let's accept POST requests with JSON content. In this version we accept the package and doctype parameters in the JSON request's body.

(defroute lispdoc (:post "application/json" name &key (package :cl) (doctype 'function))
  (let* ((json (handler-case
                   ;; you'll need to quickload :cl-json
                 (error (e)
                   (http-condition 400 "Malformed JSON (~a)!" e))))
         (sym (find-symbol-or-lose name package))
         (docstring (cdr (assoc :docstring json))))
    (if (and sym docstring doctype)
        (setf (documentation sym doctype) docstring)
        (http-condition 400 "JSON missing some properties"))))

URI generation

Snooze can generate the URIs for a resource. To get a function that does that do:

(defgenpath lispdoc lispdoc-path)

The generated function has an arglist matching your route's arguments:

(lispdoc-path 'defroute :package 'snooze)
  ;; => "/lispdoc/defroute?package=snooze"
(lispdoc-path 'defun)
  ;; => "/lispdoc/defun"
(lispdoc-path '*standard-output* :doctype 'variable)
  ;; => "/lispdoc/%2Astandard-output%2A?doctype=variable"
(lispdoc-path '*standard-output* :FOO 'hey)
  ;; error! unknown &KEY argument: :FOO

Notice the automatic URI-encoding of the * character and how the function errors on invalid keyword arguments that would produce an invalid route.

Path generators are useful, for example, when write HTML links to your resources. In our example, let's use it to guide the user to the correct URL when a 404 happens:

(defun doc-not-found-message (name package doctype)
  (let* ((othertype (if (eq doctype 'function) 'variable 'function))
         (otherdoc (documentation (find-symbol-or-lose name package) othertype)))
    (with-output-to-string (s)
      (format s "There is no ~a doc for ~a." doctype name)
      (when otherdoc
        (format s "<p>But try <a href=~a>here</a></p>"
                (lispdoc-path name :package package :doctype othertype))))))

(defroute lispdoc (:get :text/html name &key (package :cl) (doctype 'function))
  (or (documentation (find-symbol-or-lose name package) doctype)
      (http-condition 404 (doc-not-found-message name package doctype))))

If you now point your browser to:


You should see a nicer 404 error message. Except you don't, because by default Snooze is very terse with error messages and we haven't told it not to be. The next sections explains how to change that.

Controlling errors

Errors and unexpected situations are part of normal HTTP life. Many websites and REST services not only return an HTTP status code, but also serve information about the conditions that lead to an error, be it in a pretty HTML error page or a JSON object describing the problem.

Snooze tries to make it possible to precisely control what information gets sent to the client. It uses a generic function and two variables:

Out of the box, there are no methods on explain-condition and the two variables are set to t.

This means that any HTTP condition or a Lisp error in your application will generate a very terse reply in plain-text containing only the status code and the standard reason phrase.

You can amend this selectively by writing an explain-condition methods explain HTTP conditions politely in HTML:

(defmethod explain-condition ((condition http-condition)
                              (resource (eql #'lispdoc))
                              (ct snooze-types:text/html))
               (with-output-to-string (s)
                 (format s "<h1>Terribly sorry</h1><p>You might have made a mistake, I'm afraid</p>")
                 (format s "<p>~a</p>" condition)))

You can use the same technique to explain any error like so:

(defmethod explain-condition ((error error) (resource (eql #'lispdoc)) (ct snooze-types:text/html))
               (with-output-to-string (s)
                 (format s "<h1>Oh dear</h1><p>It seems I've messed up somehow</p>")))

Finally, you can play around with *catch-errors* and *catch-http-conditions (see their docstrings). I normally leave *catch-http-conditions* set to t and *catch-errors* set to either :verbose or nil depending on whether I want to do debugging in the browser or in Emacs.

How Snooze converts URI components to arguments

You might have noticed already that the CLOS generic functions that represent resources take as arguments actual Lisp symbols extracted from the URI, whereas other frameworks normally pass them as strings.

Let's drift from the lispdoc example a bit. Consider this app fragment:

(defclass beatle () ((id      :initarg :id)
                     (name    :initarg :name    :accessor name)
                     (guitars :initarg :guitars :accessor number-of-guitars)))

(defvar *beatles* ...)

(defroute beatles (:get "text/plain" &key (key 'number-of-guitars) (predicate '>))
  (assert-safe-functions key predicate)
  (format nil "~{~a~^~%~}"
          (mapcar #'name
                  (sort (copy-list *beatles*) predicate :key key))))

(defgenpath beatles beatles-path)

beatles-path, when passed actual symbols naming functions that are have meaning in your application domain, will generate perfect URI's for accesing the beatles route. So

(beatles-path :key 'name :predicate 'string-lessp)



Secondly this is only the default behaviour of Snooze, and is entirely configurable: if you really want to have the path foo/bar/baz become the arguments "foo", "bar" and "baz" to your application you merely need to add a CLOS method to the each of the generic functions read-for-resource and write-for-resource.

I recommend you keep the default:

If this is not enough, Snooze allows even finer control over the way the URI is translated, so that individual arguments are read differently, or even combined. One might want, for example:

GET beatle/3

where 3 is an id, to pass an actual beatle object to the route. This is explained in the next section.

Tighter routes

The routes we have until now all use:

It would be nicer if they were simply functions of a symbol: After all , in Common Lisp, passing symbols around doesn't force you to pass their packages separately!

So basically, we want to write routes like this:

(defroute lispdoc (:get :text/* (sym symbol) &key (doctype 'function))
  (or (documentation sym doctype)
      (http-condition 404 (doc-not-found-message sym doctype))))

Actually, this will work just fine out of the box. But the routes matched are not as human-readable like before: they look like this:

(lispdoc-path 'cl-ppcre:scan)
  ;; => "/lispdoc/cl-ppcre%3Ascan"
(lispdoc-path 'ql:quickload)
  ;; => "/lispdoc/quicklisp-client%3Aquickload"

Even if you find that perfectly acceptable, it is conceivable that we had already published the original REST API to the world. So we need to change the implementation without changing the interface. This is where uri-to-arguments and arguments-to-uri might help:

(defmethod uri-to-arguments ((resource (eql #'lispdoc)) uri)
  (multiple-value-bind (plain-args keyword-args)
    (let* ((sym-name (string (first plain-args)))
           (package-name (or (cdr (assoc :package keyword-args)) 'cl))
           (sym (find-symbol sym-name package-name)))
      (unless sym
        (http-condition 404 "Sorry, no such symbol"))
      (values (cons sym (cdr plain-args))
              (remove :package keyword-args :key #'car)))))

(defmethod arguments-to-uri ((resource (eql #'lispdoc)) plain-args keyword-args)
  (let ((sym (first plain-args)))
    (call-next-method resource
                      (list sym)
                      (cons `(:package . ,(read-for-resource
                                           (package-name (symbol-package sym))))

We can now safely rewrite the remaining routes in much simpler fashion:

(defun doc-not-found-message (symbol doctype)
  (let* ((othertype (if (eq doctype 'function) 'variable 'function))
         (otherdoc (documentation symbol othertype)))
    (with-output-to-string (s)
      (format s "There is no ~a doc for ~a." doctype symbol)
      (when otherdoc
        (format s "<p>But try <a href=~a>here</a></p>"
                (lispdoc-path symbol :doctype othertype))))))

(defroute lispdoc (:get :text/* (sym symbol) &key (doctype 'function))
  (or (documentation sym doctype)
      (http-condition 404 "No doc found for ~a" sym)))

(defroute lispdoc (:put :text/plain (sym symbol) &key (doctype 'function))
  (setf (documentation sym doctype)

(defroute lispdoc (:get :text/html (sym symbol) &key (doctype 'function))
  (or (documentation sym doctype)
      (http-condition 404 (doc-not-found-message sym doctype))))

(defroute lispdoc (:put :application/json (sym symbol) &key (doctype 'function))
  (let* ((json (handler-case
                 (error (e)
                   (http-condition 400 "Malformed JSON! (~a)" e))))
         (docstring (cdr (assoc :docstring json))))
    (setf (documentation sym doctype) docstring)))

Other backends

Snooze is backend-agnostic. You can use Clack, which is a good option, or anything else.

Snooze offers with make-clack-app and make-hunchentoot-app for quickly jumping into the action, but doesn't “require” Clack or Hunchentoot in any sense.

For reference, here's how to hook Snooze to Hunchentoot directly (this is more or less what the bundled make-hunchentoot-app does).

```lisp (defclass snooze-acceptor (hunchentoot:acceptor) ((snooze-bindings :initarg :snooze-bindings :initform nil :accessor snooze-bindings)))

(defmethod hunchentoot:acceptor-dispatch-request ((acceptor snooze-acceptor) request) (multiple-value-bind (code payload payload-ct) (let (;; Optional, but we do all the error catching ourselves ;; (hunchentoot:catch-errors-p nil) (snooze:backend :hunchentoot)) (progv (mapcar #'car (snooze-bindings acceptor)) (mapcar #'cdr (snooze-bindings acceptor)) (handle-request (hunchentoot:request-uri request) :accept (hunchentoot:header-in :accept request) :method (hunchentoot:request-method request) :content-type (hunchentoot:header-in :content-type request)))) (setf (hunchentoot:return-code) code (hunchentoot:content-type) payload-ct) (or payload "")))

(defmethod backend-payload ((backend (eql :hunchentoot)) (type snooze-types:text)) (let ((probe (hunchentoot:raw-post-data))) (assert (stringp probe) nil “Asked for a string, but request carries a ~a” (type-of probe)) probe))

(defvar server nil)

(defun stop () (when server (hunchentoot:stop server) (setq server nil)))

(defun start (&rest args &key (port 5000)) (stop) (setq server (hunchentoot:start (apply #'make-instance 'snooze-acceptor :port port ;; in this example “homepage” name a resource ;; to display when the URI is empty :snooze-bindings `((home-resource . homepage)) args)))) ````


To ask questions, report bugs, or just discuss matters open an issue or send me email.