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(ql:quickload :queues)
This is a simple queue library for Common Lisp. It's goals are to exist, be simple, nicely wrapped, and efficient.
The library depends on “bordeaux-threads” for locking, although that dependency is only required if you use one of the “cqueue” concurrent queues.
Four queue types are provided:
Thread safe versions are provided in:
ASDF systems are:
Example: (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :queues.simple-cqueue) or (require :queues.simple-cqueue)
Bug reports/fixes welcome: <Eric O'Connor>
Package: queues
make-queue (type &key comparison copy minimum-size)
copy is another queue of the same type, which will be duplicated in the newly created queue
comparison is a function of two arguments that returns true when the first should be returned before the second. For example: #‘< or #’> for min and max respectively. Obviously this is only used with priority queues
minimum-size is the minimum size of the queue. This is only applicable to simple-queues
qpush (queue element)
Note: In priority queues, returns (values element node). Node can later be passed to functions such as #'queue-delete.
qpop (queue &optional (empty nil))
qtop (queue &optional empty)
qsize (queue)
map-queue (function queue)
Note: While mapping over a priority queue, current-queue-node is bound to the node associated with the current element. This node can be used to call #'queue-change or #'queue-delete.
print-queue (queue)
queue-merge (queue-1 queue-2)
Destructively merges queue-2 into queue-2 if they are compatible Queues are compatible when they have #'eq comparison tests. Note that #'queue-merge and #'queue-merge-safe are susceptible to deadlocks when using the “thread-safe” version. This is because the code must lock on queue1 and then on queue2. Avoid this issue by either not issuing merges, or being careful that merges are called in the same order everywhere.
queue-merge-safe (queue-1 queue-2)
Non destructive version of #'queue-merge.
queue-find (queue predicate-or-key)
Searches the queue for an element based on a predicate, or a derived predicate from the supplied key and the comparison. A node is returned that can be used in #'queue-change or #'queue-delete.
queue-change (queue node new-value)
The given node is modified to contain new-value.
queue-delete (queue node)
The given node is removed from the queue
queue-comparison (queue)
Returns the comparison used by queue