

git clone 'https://github.com/frodef/pithy-xml.git'

(ql:quickload :pithy-xml)

Read and write XML as lisp objects. Syntax somewhat similar to that of CL-WHO.

Disregarding interning (see below), an XML element is represented in either of two ways:

(:foo :a 1 …) or ((:foo :a 1) …)

READ-XML will always return the latter form, because it is more consistent for processing. The former is perhaps more convenient to write: the element's content starts with the first non-keyword/value-pair.

Tag names etc. are mapped to (and from) lisp symbols. XML namespaces are represented as lisp packages, into which symbols are interned. Note that XML namespaces are named by (globally unique) URLs, although you'll probably find it convenient to provide short-hand names (see DEFINE-XML-NAMESPACE). Read/print-xml will keep track of namespace bindings. In the following example, the same “foo” is referenced in the two XML fragments, using first “qualified names” and second “namespace defaulting”:

(equal (cdr (read-xml “42”)) (print (cdr (read-xml “42”))))

((NN:FOO “42”)) ⇒ T

XML comments are represented as (pithy-xml:xml-comment “text”). If you don't care about XML namespaces, use keywords. For example:

PITHY-XML> (read-xml (print (print-xml '(:element :attribute 1 (:sub-element 42))))) “ 42 ” ⇒ (((:ELEMENT :ATTRIBUTE “1”) ((:SUB-ELEMENT) “42”)))

Here's an example of using DEFINE-XML-NAMESPACE-BY-SCHEMA:

(define-xml-namespace-by-schema xmldsig “http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#” “~/src/xml-schemas/xmldsig-core-schema.xsd” (:acronyms “HMAC” “SKI” “CRL” “PGP” “SPKI” “DSA” “RSA” “ID”) (:documentation “http://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core/”))

Pithy-XML does not support all features of XML. There are various issues with defining entities, CDATA, etc that I've yet to have use for, and therefore have not implemented. Feel free to improve on this.