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(ql:quickload :message-oo)
This package gives you the great opportunity of real object-oriented programming.
For example, you may write
(use-package :message-oo)
(defmessage list (:add item) (append list (list item)))
(defmessage list (:map func) (mapcar func list))
(defmessage list (:reduce func) (reduce func list))
(defmessage number (:+ number2 &rest numbers)
(apply '+ number number2 numbers))
(@ nil
(:add 1)
(:add 2)
(:add 3)
(:map (@ '(:+ 3) :fn))
(reduce #'+)) => 15
You may think of last command as nil.add(1).add(2).add(3).map(..).reduce(…)
Every next step is applied to the result of previous as in UNIX shell pipeline.