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(ql:quickload :marching-cubes)


A marching cubes algorithm implementation in Common Lisp based on Paul Bourke's (


[Function] marching-cubes

MARCHING-CUBES density-function min-position max-position delta isolevel => triangles

Extracts a surface from density field represented with density-function and returns triangles which is a list of triangles. density-function is a function that takes three arguments representing the position of a point and returns density as a scalar at the point. min-position and max-position are vec3 values and specify the minimun point and the maximun point of a grid to be processed. delta is a scalar that specifies the size of a cell in a grid to be processed. isolevel is a scalar that specifies the threshold of mesh construction.

[Function] marching-cubes-smooth

MARCHING-CUBES-SMOOTH density-function normal-function min-position max-position delta isolevel => smooth-triangles

Same as marching-cubes except that marching-cubes-smooth returns a list of smooth triangles which have normal vectors at each vertex. normal-function is a function that takes three arguments representing the position of a point and returns a normal vector at the point. Other arguments are same as marching-cubes's.


See example/ directory.



Copyright (c) 2012 Masayuki Takagi (


Licensed under the LLGPL License.