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(ql:quickload :madeira-port)


Indended to be used mainly as :DEFSYSTEM-DEPENDS-ON dependency in ASDF systems, but can also be useful outside ASDF systems.

The provided component class :MADEIRA-PORT makes it easy to specify implementation (or feature) dependent files as part of an ASDF system definition:


Specifies that the file is to be compiled and loaded only when the
feature expression evaluates to true under FEATURE-EVAL for the
current implementation.


Specifies that the file is to be compiled and loaded only when the
feature expression evaluates to false under FEATURE-EVAL for the
current implementation.


(defsystem :foo
  :serial t
  :defsystem-depends-on (:madeira-port)
  ((:file "package")
   (:module "ports"
    ((:madeira-port "sbcl" :when :sbcl)
     (:madeira-port "ccl" :when :ccl)
     (:madeira-port "ansi" :unless (:or :sbcl :ccl))))
   (:file "foo")))

Also provides FEATURE-EVAL mentioned above, which supports extended feature syntax, allowing expression such as


Finally, exposes FEATURE-EVAL via EXTEND-FEATURE-SYNTAX, which copies the current readtable, adds extended versions of #+ and #- read macros to it, and assigns it to READTABLE.