

git clone 'https://github.com/gschjetne/json-mop.git'

(ql:quickload :json-mop)


Quicklisp dist


JSON-MOP is a small library aiming to cut down time spent moving data between CLOS and JSON objects. It depends on YASON and it should be possible to use it alongside straight calls to functions from YASON.

Quick Start

To use JSON-MOP, define your classes with the class option (:metaclass json-serializable-class). For slots that you want to appear in the JSON representation of your class, add the slot option :json-key with the string to use as the attribute name. The option :json-type defaults to :any, but you can control how each slot value is transformed to and from JSON with one of the following:

JSON type specifiers

Type | Remarks ————–|——————————————– :any | Guesses the way to encode and decode the value :string | Enforces a string value :number | Enforces a number value :hash-table | Enforces a hash table value :vector | Enforces a vector value :list | Enforces a list value :bool | Maps T and NIL with true and false <symbol> | Uses a (:metaclass json-serializable-class) class definition to direct the transformation of the value

Homogeneous sequences

In addition, the type specifier may be a list of two elements, first element is one of :list, :vector; the second is any JSON type specifier that is to be applied to the elements of the list.

NIL and null semantics

JSON null is treated as an unbound slot in CLOS. Unbound slots are ignored when encoding objects, unless *encode-unbound-slots* is bound to T, in which case they are represented as JSON null.

Slots bound to NIL with JSON types other :bool will signal an error, but this may change in the future.

Encoding and decoding JSON

Turning an object into JSON is done with the yason:encode generic function. Turning it back into an object is slightly more involved, using json-to-clos on a stream, string or hash table; a class name; and optional initargs for the class. Values decoded from the JSON will override values specified in the initargs.


First, define your classes:

(defclass book ()
  ((title :initarg :title
          :json-type :string
          :json-key "title")
   (published-year :initarg :year
         :json-type :number
         :json-key "year_published")
   (fiction :initarg :fiction
            :json-type :bool
            :json-key "is_fiction"))
  (:metaclass json-serializable-class))

(defclass author ()
  ((name :initarg :name
         :json-type :string
         :json-key "name")
   (birth-year :initarg :year
               :json-type :number
               :json-key "year_birth")
   (bibliography :initarg :bibliography
                 :json-type (:list book)
                 :json-key "bibliography"))
  (:metaclass json-serializable-class))

Let's try creating an instance:

(defparameter *author*
  (make-instance 'author
                 :name "Mark Twain"
                 :year 1835
                  (make-instance 'book
                                 :title "The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today"
                                 :year 1873
                                 :fiction t)
                  (make-instance 'book
                                 :title "Life on the Mississippi"
                                 :year 1883
                                 :fiction nil)
                  (make-instance 'book
                                 :title "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"
                                 :year 1884
                                 :fiction t))))

To turn it into JSON, encode it:

(encode *author*)

This will print the following:

{"name":"Mark Twain","year_birth":1835,"bibliography":[{"title":"The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today","year_published":1873,"is_fiction":true},{"title":"Life on the Mississippi","year_published":1883,"is_fiction":false},{"title":"Adventures of Huckleberry Finn","year_published":1884,"is_fiction":true}]}

The same can be turned back into a CLOS object with (json-to-clos input 'author)


Copyright (c) 2015 Grim Schjetne

JSON-MOP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

JSON-MOP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with JSON-MOP. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.