

git clone 'https://github.com/MartinEnders/hl7-parser.git'

(ql:quickload :hl7-parser)

Common Lisp HL7-Parser

HL7-Parser for HL7 Version 2 Messages (decode / encode) for Common Lisp.

The HL7 Version 2 Messaging Standard — Application Protocol for Electronic Data Exchange in Healthcare Environments — is considered to be the workhorse of data exchange in healthcare and is the most widely implemented standard for healthcare information in the world.

Source: http://www.hl7.org/about/FAQs/index.cfm?ref=nav (“General HL7 FAQ” > “Version 2” > “What is Version 2?”)




SBCL and CCL on Debian GNU/Linux


HL7-Parser is ‘quickloadable’:

(ql:quickload "hl7-parser")


(defun decode (string-or-stream)

decode: Accepts a String or a Stream containing HL7-Messages

(defun encode (message-list &key (delimiter "|^~\\&") (message-delimiter nil))

encode: * message-list List of decoded HL7-Messages * delimiter for encoding of Message * message-delimiter if true then the encoded Messages ends with a #\Newline if nil then no #\Newline is appended (default nil).

(defun test-parser (in-file out-file &key (external-format :iso-8859-1) (output-delimiters "|^~\\&"))

test-parser: Read in-file (with HL7-messages) decode every line and then encode it and write it to out-file.

Use diff in-file out-file to check if the encode and decode of the messages work.


CL-USER> (hl7-parser:decode (format nil "MSH|^~~\\&|test|test^test|~cEVN||123~c~c" #\Return #\Return #\Newline ))
  (:SEGMENT (:FIELD "MSH" "|^~\\&" "test" (:COMPONENT "test" "test") "")
   (:FIELD "EVN" "" "123") "")))

CL-USER> (hl7-parser:encode (hl7-parser:decode (format nil "MSH|^~~\\&|test|test^test|~cEVN||123~c~c" #\Return #\Return #\Newline )))
("MSH|^~\\&|test|test^test|^MEVN||123^M") ; ^M -> #\Return

CL-USER> (hl7-parser:encode (hl7-parser:decode (format nil "MSH|^~~\\&|test|test^test|~cEVN||123~c~c" #\Return #\Return #\Newline )) :message-delimiter t)
") ; ^M -> #\Return

How to set Delimiters for encoding: ```cl CL-USER> (hl7-parser:decode (format nil “MSH#^~~\&#test#test^test#~c” #\Newline )) ((:MESSAGE (:FIELD “MSH” “#^~\&” “test” (:COMPONENT “test” “test”) "")))

CL-USER> (hl7-parser:encode (hl7-parser:decode (format nil “MSH|^~~\&|test|test^test|~c” #\Newline )) :delimiter “#^~\&”) (“MSH#^~\&#test#test^test#”) ```

Pay attention to the character escaping (~ in format directive and backslashes)