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(ql:quickload :glop)


The goal is to provide simple OpenGL window and context manipulation code as well as system input handling (i.e. mouse & keyboard).

Direct FFI bindings to system functions are used so no third party C lib is required except system libraries.


Tested implementations/platforms

The following list is just here for information and is certainly not meant to be exhaustive and/or up-to-date.

Tested platforms:

The following combinations have been tested sucessfully for GL 2.X:

The following combination are known to fail:

Running the tests

Make sure glop.asd and glop-test.asd are in a location known to asdf and run:

(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :glop-test)

Then you can run an hello world test with:


Available tests are:

In all tests except test-manual-events you can press the following keys:

Quick start

To use glop, make sure glop.asd is in a location known to asdf and run:

(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :glop)

Now you can just do:

(glop:with-window (win "My title" 800 600)
    ;; gl init code here
    (loop while (glop:dispatch-events win :blocking nil) do
       ;; gl code here
       (glop:swap-buffers win)))

The glop:dispatch-events macro will take care of processing glop events and call corresponding methods. Generic functions for these methods are:

None of them have a default definition, so you should implement all these methods in you application.

There's another method based dispatch mechanism with the on-event generic function. To use it just pass :on-foo nil to glop:dispatch-events. In that case the (on-event window event) method will be called instead of on-foo methods.

The glop:dispatch-events macro isn't mandatory and you can use your own event dispatch code, see glop-test:test-manual-events for an example of how to do this.

You may also completely bypass glop's event handling mechanism and use your own, see glop-test:test-custom-event-loop (X11 only) for a simple example of how it may be done. Basically just don't call any of glop's event related functions and do the work yourself.

See test.lisp for more details.


OsX support is still experimental.

GL 3.x contexts are known to work on Linux and there should be experimental support those on Win32 (not tested).

See also issues on github.

Patches and improvements are welcome :=)