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(ql:quickload :function-literal)
Clojure inspired Common Lisp function literal read macro
This file contains a read macro allowing for function literals in Common Lisp similar to those in Clojure, for example:
(mapcar #f(- % %2) '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8))
is equivalent to:
(mapcar (lambda (a b) (- a b)) '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8))
Note however that unlike function literals seen in Clojure, these can be nested freely, as in:
; function that doubles the squared value
#f(* 2 (#f(* % %) %))
Note also that Let over Lambda's Sharp Backquote
is a natural
consequence of this read macro as can be seen below. The only difference is the f
after the #
to prevent a conflict with Common Lisp's built in vector read-macro.
(mapcar #f`(,% ,%) '(A B C))
((A A) (B B) (C C))
Constant functions are another natural use of this macro.
(mapcar #f10 (loop for x from 1 upto 10 collect x))
(10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10)
This software falls under the WTFPL.