

git clone 'https://github.com/deterministic-arts/DartsCLHashTree.git'

(ql:quickload :dartsclhashtree)

Functional Maps and Trees

This project provides a few purely functional data structures. Right now, it provides:

The tree structures provided by this project are immutable, i.e., cannot be modified once they have been constructed. Mutation operations return newly constructed tree instances (which may actually share state with the original tree, to which the operation was applied).

Weight-Balanced Binary Trees

The system darts.lib.wbtree provides support for weight-balanced binary trees, modelled after the paper “Implementing Sets Efficiently in a Functional Language” by S. Adams.

Applications can define their own subtypes of the wbtree type, with a specialized comparison predicate for the actual key type.

Debugging helpers and esoterica


Hash Tries

A hash trie is a purely functional data structure, which provides a mapping from keys to values using hashing. Unlike Common Lisp's standard hash tables, hash tries are immutable. Any operation, which changes a hash trie returns a copy. Also, hash tries can use any equivalence predicate and hash function you care to provide. The default equivalence predicate is eql, and the default hash function is sxhash.

The implementation of hash tries can be found in package DARTS.LIB.HASHTRIE.

Supported clauses are:

After this macro's expansion has been evaluated, name names a valid lisp structure type; in particular, the name can be used with typep as well as for CLOS method dispatch.


  (define-hashtrie integer-htrie
    (:hash identity)
    (:test eql)
    (:constructor make-integer-htrie)
    (:documentation "A simple hash trie, whose keys
      are integers. We use the keys directly as their
      own hashes."))

Note, that the values given to the :test and :hash options must both be suitable for having function wrapped around them. Literal lambda expressions are ok, and so are symbols naming functions.

Answers true, if value is a hash trie instance, and false otherwise. Note, that concrete hash trie implementations have their own specific predicates, too.

Answers true, if hash trie trie is empty, and false, if it contains at least one key/value pair.

Answers the number of key/value pairs contained in the given hash trie trie.

Invokes function for each key/value pair in hash trie trie, passing three arguments along: the value returned by the function on the last invocation (or seed at the first call), the key, and its associated value. Hashtrie-fold returns the value of the last invocation of function or seed, if the trie is empty, and function is never called.

Invokes function once for each key/value pair in trie, discarding any results.

Answers the value associated with key in trie, or default, if there is no mapping for key in trie. The secondary value is a boolean indicator, which is true, if the key has been found, and false otherwise.

This function defines a setf form just in the ldb (for example) does, i.e., if used with setf, the trie must indicate a valid place, which gets updated to hold the updated trie.

  (defvar *trie* (simple-hashtrie))

  ;; The trie is initially empty (no parameters have been 
  ;; handed down to the constructor).

  (hashtrie-find 1 *trie*)                 ;; Yields nil as 
                                           ;; result value

  (setf (hashtrie-find 1 *trie*) "First")  ;; Yields "First" as
                                           ;; result value

  ;; Now, the hash trie has been updated to contain a
  ;; mapping with key 1

  (hashtrie-find 1 *trie*)                 ;; Yields "First" as
                                           ;; result value

Answers a copy of trie, in which key is associated with value.

Answers a copy of trie, from which any association of key has been removed.

Enumerates the key/value pairs in the hash trie, form trie evaluates to. In each iteration, key and value are bound to each pair's key and value, and the forms in body are evaluated sequentially with these bindings in place.

The whole expansion is wrapped into an anonymous block, allowing the body to abort the iteration by using return. This is the only way to provide a non-nil result value for the whole do-hashtrie form.