

git clone 'https://github.com/AeroNotix/cqlcl.git'

(ql:quickload :cqlcl)


A Common Lisp client to Cassandra using the native protocol (V2)


QuickLisp is probably the most sane way to install CL libraries. Ensure you have this set up and working.

cd $QUICKLISP_HOME/local-projects
git clone https://github.com/AeroNotix/cqlcl.git
sbcl --eval "(ql:quickload :cqlcl)"

This will install all required dependencies.


(defparameter *cxn* (cqlcl:make-connection))
(let ((create-keyspace "CREATE KEYSPACE cqlcl
                        WITH replication = {
                            'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'
  (query *cxn* create-keyspace))
;; T
;; "CREATED: cqlcl."
(let ((create-table "CREATE TABLE cqlcl.readme (
                         id uuid PRIMARY KEY,
                         name text,
                         value int
    (query *cxn* create-table))
;; T
;; "CREATED: cqlcl.readme

(query *cxn* "SELECT * FROM cqlcl.readme")
;; NIL

(prepare *cxn* "INSERT INTO cqlcl.readme (id, name, value) VALUES(?, ?, ?)")
;; No value

(execute *cxn* "INSERT INTO cqlcl.readme (id, name, value) VALUES(?, ?, ?)"
    (uuid:make-v4-uuid) "HELLO" 123)
;; No value
(execute *cxn* "INSERT INTO cqlcl.readme (id, name, value) VALUES(?, ?, ?)"
    (uuid:make-v4-uuid) "HELLO" 123)
;; No value
(execute *cxn* "INSERT INTO cqlcl.readme (id, name, value) VALUES(?, ?, ?)"
    (uuid:make-v4-uuid) "HELLO" 123)
;; No value

(query *cxn* "SELECT * FROM cqlcl.readme")

((B16805B2-FDA8-4DF5-811B-77F46FFE2BBB "HELLO" 123)
 (DF0922E4-BB82-4C59-A32C-CBFD859CC3AD "HELLO" 123)
 (43B0683F-8372-4BFC-B2CB-93706360A2D7 "HELLO" 123))

Type mappings

| Cassandra type | CL type | |:——————— |:——- | | ascii | string | | bigint | integer | | blob | byte-vector | | boolean | boolean | | counter | not implemented | | decimal | float | | double | float | | float | float | | inet | cqlcl:ip | | int | integer | | timestamp | integer | | timeuuid | uuid:uuid | | uuid | uuid:uuid | | varchar/text | string | | varint | not implemented | | list | list | | set | list | | map | hashtbale | | custom | not implemented |