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(ql:quickload :common-html)
An HTML parser/emitter for CommonDoc.
(defvar node
(:title "My Document"
:creator "me"
:keywords (list "test" "test1"))
(:text "test"))))))
(common-html.emitter:node-to-html-string node) ;; => "<p>test</p>"
Normally, a document is emitted into HTML as a single file. You can also perform Texinfo/Sphinx style emission, where a document is broken up into sections, and each section (Up to a certain depth, or any depth) is emitted as a different file.
To emit a document into multiple files, simply do:
(common-html.multi-emit:multi-emit doc #p"output-directory/")
An optional keyword argument, :max-depth
, can be provided to choose at what
section depth to stop emitting each section in a different file. For instance,
if you have a document that looks like this:
Emitting it with the default :max-depth
of nil
will produce 5 files, while
emitting it with a :max-depth
of 2 will produce four files: One for each of
the Intro, Overview and Tutorial subsections, and another for both the History
section and its Motivation subsection.
Multi-part file emission can be complicated.
First, some obvious choices, and how CommonHTML chooses:
Should the directory structure of the HTML output mirror that of the sections? Or should all HTML files be emitted within the same directory? Answer: For simplicity (Users might not expect or want nested files), all HTML files are emitted into the same directory.
What should the name of the resulting HTML files be? The pure name of the
section? The result of calling common-doc.util:string-to-slug
on the
section? Or an autogenerated ID? Answer: The first option might produce
invalid pathnames, and the last option is an inconceivable abomination, so we
just go with slugifying the section text.
Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Fernando Borretti
Licensed under the MIT License.