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(ql:quickload :colorize)


colorize is a lisp library for syntax highlighting supporting the following languages: * Common Lisp, :common-lisp * Emacs Lisp, :elisp * Scheme, :scheme * Clojure, :clojure alpha * C, :c * C++, :c++ * Java, :java * Python, :python * Erlang, :erlang * Haskell, :haskell * Objective-C, :objective-c * Diff, :diff * Webkit, :webkit


You are strongly encouraged to use this library via Quicklisp. Simply start your lisp and run: (ql:quickload 'colorize).

Getting Started

The API has three main entry points:

  1. COLORIZE-FILE which takes a language keyword and input file and writes the result to an html file in the same directory. An alternate path for the output file may be provided as a third argument.
  2. COLORIZE-FILE-TO-STREAM takes a keyword indicating the language, the path of a file to color, and a stream to write the result to. By default, it writes a complete self-contained page but if the :wrap keyword is given nil it only writes the colorized code snippet.
  3. HTML-COLORIZATION takes a keyword indicating the language and a string of code and returns the colorized html.

In addition, the COLORING-TYPES function takes no arguments and returns a list of the supported coloring types as keywords. Finally, the variable COLORING-CSS returns suggested css code for highlighting the produced html.

That's all for now. And remember, patches welcome!