git clone ''
(ql:quickload :cl-tulip-graph)
Cl-Tulip-Graph: a graph generator
Cl-Tulip-Graph is a graph description generator written in Common Lisp. The package accepts various Lisp objects as nodes and produces graph descriptions in .tlp format, which can be later visualized in Tulip (see Tulip clusters and properties are supported.
The package is formerly known as bouquet.
Cl-Tulip-Graph is written by Eugene Zaikonnikov, and is distributed under the terms of LLGPL (see LICENSE file for details).
Building Cl-Tulip-Graph
Distribution tarball contains .asd system definition file, and several .lisp source files. To compile and load Cl-Tulip-Graph, launch your ASDF-enabled Lisp and perfrom (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :cl-tulip-graph) in the REPL.
To test the package, try (cl-tulip-graph:test).
Cl-Tulip-Graph was tested with SBCL 1.0.55, but is expected to run with other mostly-ANSI-conforming Lisps.
Using Cl-Tulip-Graph
Below is a short description of package API. To familiarise with Tulip concepts, see
Cl-Tulip-Graph maintains current graph instance in graph cache which is manipulated via set of interface functions. The interface functions implicitly use the graph instance currently registered in the graph cache: for most cases, it is more convenient and succinct.
The interface functions (exported from CL-TULIP-GRAPH package) are:
(NEW-GRAPH): Instantiates a new graph and stores it in the graph cache. Also, default “Label” property is created for node labels.
(CURRENT-GRAPH): Returns the current graph instance.
(RENDER-GRAPH &optional