git clone ''
(ql:quickload :cl-libevent2)
Please note that these bindings aren't fully documented, and unless someone actually wants to take on this task, they will most likely stay that way as they were built/generated as a means of driving cl-async.
Who needs documentation when you follow simple function-naming conventions?
That's actually it. For a reference on Libevent2 itself, see the libevent book and the libevent reference.
struct event *ev;
struct event_base *base = event_base_new();
ev = event_new(base, -1, 0, my_cb, 0);
event_active(ev, 0, 0);
(let* ((base (le:event-base-new))
(ev (le:event-new base -1 0 (cffi:callback my-cb) (cffi:null-pointer))))
(le:event-active ev 0 0)
(le:event-base-dispatch base)
(le:event-del ev))
If a new version of libevent comes out, you can regenerate these bindings by doing the following (if you have swig installed):
cd /path/to/cl-libevent2
vim scripts/bindings.i # update "%include" paths to point at your libevent headers
./scripts/generate # must be run in cl-libevent2 folder
This will generate new bindings in their entirety (it's fully automated).
As mentioned, these bindings were made specifically to be the backend for cl-async, and because of this, they do not (nor will they ever) have a higher-level interface. They are meant to be an extremely thin layer between Lisp and c/libevent.
MIT Licensed.