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(ql:quickload :cl-junit-xml)


Small library for writing junit-compatible XML files.


CL-JUNIT-XML> (let* ((junit (make-junit))
       (suite (add-child junit (make-testsuite "suite" :timestamp "now"))))
  (add-child suite (make-testcase "test" "class" 1.0
                                  :failure "invalid assertion"))
  (add-child suite (make-testcase "test 2" "class" 2.0
                                  :error "problem running the test"))
  (add-child suite (make-testcase "test 3" "class" 5.0))
  (write-xml junit T :pretty-p T))
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuite name="suite" timestamp="now" id="0" tests="3" errors="1" failures="1" time="8.0">
  <testcase name="test 3" classname="class" time="5.0"/>
  <testcase name="test 2" classname="class" time="2.0">
      <![CDATA[problem running the test]]></error>
  <testcase name="test" classname="class" time="1.0">
      <![CDATA[invalid assertion]]></failure>



creates a new junit root XML object you can add suites to


creates a new junit testsuite add testcases to


creates a new junit testcase

(add-child parent child)

add cases to suites, and suites to junit. returns the child

(write-xml junit sink &key pretty-p &allow-other-keys)

writes the junit XML to the given sink. Supports sinks of:

if pretty-p is non-nil, then the XML produced is indented.

Other keys are allowed to support integration with other testing libraries.

Integration with other testing libraries


lisp-unit2 support is available via the cl-junit-xml.lisp-unit2 ASDF system, and adds some additional write-xml specializations for lisp-unit2 objects.

Any dots (.) in test names will be read as part of the classname for junit, which affects rendering in systems like Jenkins.

For example, assuming you start with (lisp-unit2:run-tests :name :my-tests):

writing XML directly

(write-xml (lisp-unit2:run-tests :name :my-tests) T :pretty-p T)

writing XML via the lisp-unit2's signals:

       #'(lambda (c)
           (write-xml c T :pretty-p T))))
  (lisp-unit2:run-tests :name :my-tests))


lisp-unit support is available via the cl-junit-xml.lisp-unit ASDF system, and adds some additional write-xml specializations for lisp-unit objects.

Adds a :name keyword arg to write-xml that will be used as the default XML classname.

Classname handling is similar to lisp-unit2. For example, assuming you start with (write-xml test-results T :name :my-tests):

writing XML via the lisp-unit's signals:

       #'(lambda (c)
       (write-xml c T :pretty-p T :name "my-tests"))))