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(ql:quickload :cl-indeterminism)


Do some cool stuff with undefined functions and variables.

By now, ‘cool stuff’ includes: - FIND-UNDEFS - described in section “Finding” - MACROEXPAND-ALL-TRANSFORMING-UNDEFS - described in section “Transforming” - MACROEXPAND-CC-ALL-TRANSFORMING-UNDEFS - described in section “Transforming at compile-time”


Codewalk the form and find, which variables and functions are undefined.

CL-USER> (ql:quickload 'cl-indeterminism)
CL-USER> (cl-indeterminism:find-undefs '(foo bar baz))

FIND-UNDEFS is now a macro which expands in the surrounding context, making it possible to catch undefined variables relative to the current lexenv.

CL-USER> (let ((a 1)) (cl-indeterminism:find-undefs 'a))

Still, one can explicitly specify to find undefs with respect to top-level environment

CL-USER> (let ((a 1)) (cl-indeterminism:find-undefs 'a :env :null))

Can be also used to find list of undefined variables at compile time

(defmacro list-the-undefs (&body body &environment env)
  `(list ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(quote ,x))
           (find-undefs `(progn ,@body) :env env))))
(let ((bar 1)) (declare (ignore bar)) (find-undefs '(foo bar baz)))

Uses profound HU.DWIM.WALKER system to do the heavy lifting of code walking and is, in fact, just a convenience wrapper around it.

Note: if your implementation is not supported by HU.DWIM.WALKER or CL-CURLEX, then branch “without-curlex” is for you - there initial unsophisticated behaviour of the system is fixed forever.


Codewalk the form and transform undefined variables and functions in it on the fly to something else. Has a side effect of expanding all the macros in the form.

CL-USER> (ql:quickload 'cl-indeterminism)
CL-USER> (let ((cl-indeterminism:*variable-transformer* (lambda (x) `(quote ,x))))
           (cl-indeterminism:macroexpand-all-transforming-undefs '(a b c)))
(A 'B 'C)
CL-USER> (let ((cl-indeterminism:*function-transformer*
                (lambda (form)
                  (if (keywordp (car form))
                      `(,(intern (string (car form)) "KEYWORD")
                        ,@(cdr form))))))
           (cl-indeterminism:macroexpand-all-transforming-undefs '(a b c)))
(:A B C)

The API consists of the following ingredients:

I personally plan to use all this machinery in my fork of ESRAP packrat parser ( There, the idea is to transform all undefined variable names inside DEFRULE macro into calls to functions, which try to continue parsing with help of a rule, corresponding to the name of undefined variable. See branch ‘liquid’ there for examples of usage of MACROEXPAND-ALL-TRANSFORMING-UNDEFS.

Transforming at compile-time

Works similar to transforming at runtime, but is far more interesting, isn't it?

CL-USER> (ql:quickload 'cl-indeterminism)
CL-USER> (defmacro autoquote (form &environment env)
           (let ((cl-indeterminism:*variable-transformer* (lambda (x) `(quote ,x))))
             (cl-indeterminism:macroexpand-cc-all-transforming-undefs form :env env)))
;; So, our AUTOQUOTE macro automatically quotes
;; all the undefined variables inside its form
CL-USER> (defun foo ()
           (autoquote (list b c)))
CL-USER> (foo)
(B C)
;; And it takes into account lexical environment
;; it is expanded in, so here B is not quoted
CL-USER> (let ((b 1))
           (defun foo ()
             (autoquote (list b c))))
CL-USER> (foo)
(1 C)

Note, that lexical environment has to be explicitly fetched with help of &ENVIRONMENT keyword of the enclosing macro and passed to MACROEXPAND-CC-ALL-TRANSFORMING-UNDEFS. This is due to my failure to fetch this compile environment in some implementations with some other tricks.