
git clone ''

(ql:quickload :cl-ansi-term)


cl-ansi-term allows to print various primitives on ANSI-complaint terminals. It also supports coloration and effects. cl-ansi-term is not like ncurses, it works with primitives that you can output on your terminal, as well as redirect to a file without any loss.

cl-ansi-term can print the following things:

cl-ansi-term uses concept of style sheet to manage coloration of output. Define styles, give them names, specify foreground colors, background colors, and effects for every style.

cl-ansi-term provides hooks to give more control over the library.

cl-ansi-term is able to detect whether output goes to a terminal or to a file. If the latter case takes place, no escape sequences will get into the file. It's also possible to disable all effects and coloration.


Download or clone the repository and put it into some place where ASDF can find it.

Via Quicklisp:

(ql:quickload "cl-ansi-term")


See contents of directory doc. Documentation is also available online:


Copyright © 2015 Mark Karpov

Distributed under GNU GPL, version 3.