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(ql:quickload :binfix)


Viktor Cerovski, Aug 2016.


BINFIX (blend from “Binary Infix”) is a poweful infix syntax notation for S-expressions of Common LISP ranging from simple arithmetic and logical forms to whole programs.

It is in experimental phase with a few important new features still to come. One of them, available from v0.16, is use of a single ; symbol as a form-separating symbol in [implicit-progn](#LET ; progn example), [expression terminator](#SETF expr-termination) for SETFs, or as end of [LET binds symbol](#LET ; examples) or [local functions definition](#Local functions). There is also def, for defining things.

The most recent one is the same priority OPs (since v0.20).

Once the rest of them have been implemented, BINFIX will go to RC and then to reference 1.0 version.





Quicklisp makes the downloading/installation/loading trivial:

(ql:quickload :binfix)

After loading the package, the next step is to allow use of its symbols

(use-package :binfix)

BINFIX is developed using SBCL, and checked to work fine with CLISP, and Clozure CL, while with ECL there have been some problems with loading and testing recently, so for the time being BINFIX is not running on ECL.

BINFIX shadows ! and symbol-macrol in CLISP , @ in Clozure CL and ECL, as well as var (sb-debug:var) in SBCL.

The latest version is available at gihub, and can be obtained by

git clone


Generally, quoting a BINFIX expression in REPL will produce the corresponding S-expression.

For easier comparison of input and output forms in following examples, LISP printer is first setq (operation =.) to lowercase output with

{*print-case* =. :downcase}


BINFIX is a free-form notation (just like S-expr), i.e any number of empty spaces (including tabs and newlines) between tokens is treated the same as a single white space.

Arithmetic and logical expressions

Classic math stuff:

{2 * 3 + 4}


'{a * {b + c}}

(* a (+ b c))

'{- {x + y} / x * y}

(- (/ (+ x y) (* x y)))

'{0 < x < 1 && y >= 1 || y >= 2}

(or (and (< 0 x 1) (>= y 1)) (>= y 2))

'{- f x - g x - h x}

(- (- (f x)) (g x) (h x))

Expressions like {(f x y) * (g a b)} and {{f x y} * {g a b}} generally produce the same result. The inner brackets, however, can be removed:

'{sqrt x * sin x}

(* (sqrt x) (sin x))

'{A ! i .= B ! j + C ! k}

(setf (aref a i) (+ (aref b j) (aref c k)))

'{a ! i j += b ! i k * c ! k j}

(incf (aref a i j) (* (aref b i k) (aref c k j)))

'{listp A && car A == 'x && cdr A || A}

(or (and (listp a) (eql (car a) 'x) (cdr x)) a)


Operation :. stands for cons. For instance,

{-2 :. loop for i to 9 collect i}

(-2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)

with the familiar behaviour:

{1 :. 2 :. 3 equal '(1 2 . 3)}


{1 :. 2 :. 3 :. {} equal '(1 2 3)}


Lambdas, definitions and type annotations


'{x -> sqrt x * sin x}

(lambda (x) (* (sqrt x) (sin x)))

'{x :single-float -> sqrt x * sin x}

(lambda (x) (declare (type single-float x)) (* (sqrt x) (sin x)))

'{x y -> {x - y}/{x + y}}

(lambda (x y) (/ (- x y) (+ x y)))

Mixing of notations works as well, so each of the following

{x y -> / (- x y) (+ x y)}
{x y -> (- x y)/(+ x y)}
{x y -> (/ (- x y) (+ x y))}

produces the same form.

Fancy way of writing {2 * 3 + 4}

{x -> y -> z -> x * y + z @ 2 @ 3 @ 4}


Quoting reveals the expanded S-expr

'{x -> y -> z -> x * y + z @ 2 @ 3 @ 4}

(funcall (funcall (funcall
  (lambda (x) (lambda (y) (lambda (z) (+ (* x y) z))))
    2) 3) 4)

Indeed, @ is left-associative, standing for funcall.

More complicated types can be also explicitely given after an argument,

'{x :|or symbol number| -> x :. x}

(lambda (x) (declare (type (or symbol number) x)) (cons x x))


mapcar is also supported:

'{x -> sin x * sqrt x @. (f x)}

(mapcar (lambda (x) (* (sin x) (sqrt x))) (f x))

Alternatively, it is possible to use the expression-termination symbol ;,

{x -> sin x * sqrt x @. f x;}

to the same effect.

reduce is represented by @/,

'{#'max @/ x y -> abs{x - y} @. a b}

(reduce #'max (mapcar (lambda (x y) (abs (- x y))) a b))

and other maps have their @'s as well.


Factorial fun:

'{f n :integer := if {n <= 0} 1 {n * f {1- n}}}

(defun f (n)
  (declare (type integer n))
  (if (<= n 0)
      (* n (f (1- n)))))

Function documentation, local declarations, local bindings and comments have a straightforward syntax:

'{g x := "Auxilary fn."
   declare (inline)
   let x*x = x * x; ;; Note binds termination via ;
     x*x / 1+ x*x}

(defun g (x)
  "Auxilary fn."
  (declare (inline))
  (let ((x*x (* x x)))
    (/ x*x (1+ x*x))))

&optional is optional

Explicitely tail-recursive version of f

'{fac n m = 1 :=
   declare (integer m n)
   if {n <= 0} m
      {fac {n - 1} {n * m}}}

(defun fac (n &optional (m 1))
  (declare (integer m n))
  (if (<= n 0)
      (fac (- n 1) (* n m))))

As you may by now expect, the following is also permited

{fac n :integer m :integer = 1 :=
  if {n <= 0} m
     {fac {n - 1} {n * m}}}

Local functions

Version of fac with a local recursive function f:

{fac n :integer :=
    f n m := {if {n = 0} m
                 {f (1- n) {n * m}}}
   f n 1}

Another syntax to specify a local function is to use a single ; as in

{fac n :integer :=
    f n m := if {n = 0} m
                {f (1- n) {n * m}};
   f n 1}

All three above definitions of fac are transformed by binfix to

(defun fac (n)
  (declare (type integer n))
  (labels ((f (n m)
             (if (= n 0)
                 (f (1- n) (* n m)))))

which can be demonstrated by simply evaluating the quoted expressions.

The same syntax is used also in the case of flet and macrolet.


The following two generic versions of f

'{f n :integer :- if {n <= 0} 1 {n * f {1- n}}}
'{f (n integer):- if {n <= 0} 1 {n * f {1- n}}}

both produce

(defmethod f ((n integer))
  (if (<= n 0)
      (* n (f (1- n)))))

:- supports also eql-specialization via == op, analogous to the way = is used for optional arguments initialization, as well as an optional method qualifier, given as the first argument after the method name, that can be either a keyword or an atom surrounded by parens (i.e :around, (reduce) etc.)


Macros are defined via :== operation, similar to the previous examples. See Sec. [Support for macros](#Support for macros).

Type annotations, declarations and definitions

The examples shown so far demonstrate the possibility to type-annotate symbols in binds and lambda-lists by an (optional) keyword representing the type (for instance :fixnum, :my-class, :|simple-array single-float|, :|or symbol number|, :|{symbol or number}|, etc.)

OPs that represent LISP forms which allow declaration(s), in BINFIX can have in addition to the standard (declare ...) form also unparenthesized variant:

'{f x :fixnum y = 2 :=
   declare (inline)
   declare (fixnum y)
   x + y ** 2}

(defun f (x &optional (y 2))
  (declare (type fixnum x))
  (declare (inline))
  (declare (fixnum y))
  (+ x (expt y 2)))

Operation :-> can be used to specify function type. For example, in SBCL 1.1.17 function sin has declared type that can be written as

'{number :-> single-float -1.0 1.0 ||
             double-float -1.0 1.0 ||
             complex single-float  ||
             complex double-float .x. &optional}

(function (number)
  (or (single-float -1.0 1.0)
      (double-float -1.0 1.0)
      (complex single-float)
      (complex double-float))

Type definitions are given using :type= OP, as in

`{mod n :type= `(integer 0 (,n))}

(deftype mod (n) `(integer 0 (,n)))


Program typically consists of a number of definitions of functions, constants, parameters, types, etc. The operation def is introduced to facilitate their easy writing:

'{def parameter *x* = 1 *y* = 2
  def struct point x y z
  def f x := sqrt x * sin x}

 (defparameter *x* 1)
 (defparameter *y* 2)
 (defstruct point x y z)
 (defun f (x) (* (sqrt x) (sin x))))

As it is clear from the example, the definitions are wrapped up in progn.

More detailed definitions are also straightforward to specify:

'{def parameter
    *x* :fixnum = 1
    *y* :fixnum = 2;

  struct point "Point"
    :print-function {p s d ->
                       declare (ignore d)
                       with-slots (x y z) p
                         (format s "#<~$ ~$ ~$>" x y z)}
    :constructor create-point (x y z = 0f0)
    x :single-float = 0f0
    y :single-float = 0f0
    z :single-float = 0f0

  def f x :single-float :=
    declare (inline)
    sqrt x * sin x}

 (declaim (type fixnum *x*)
          (type fixnum *y*))
 (defparameter *x* 1)
 (defparameter *y* 2)
       (lambda (p s d)
         (declare (ignore d))
         (with-slots (x y z)
           (format s "#<~$ ~$ ~$>" x y z))))
      (:constructor create-point (x y &optional (z 0.0))))
   (x 0.0 :type single-float)
   (y 0.0 :type single-float)
   (z 0.0 :type single-float))
 (defun f (x)
   (declare (inline))
   (declare (type single-float x))
   (* (sqrt x) (sin x))))

def class syntax is like defclass without parens. For this to work, class options (:documentation and :metaclass) have to be given before description of slots, while :default-initargs comes last as usual, just unparenthesized (see [example](#Cartesian to polar coordinates).)

defining of symbols follows the same syntax as let binding, which is covered next.


LET symbol-binding forms (let, let*, symbol-macrolet, etc) in BINFIX use = with an optional type-annotation:

'{let x :bit = 1
      y = {2 ** 3}
      z = 4
    x + y * z}

(let ((x 1) (y (expt 2 3)) (z 4))
  (declare (type bit x))
  (+ x (* y z)))

A single ; can be used as a terminator of bindings:

'{let x :bit = 1
      y = 2 ** 3
      z = f a;
    x + y * z}

(let ((x 1) (y (expt 2 3)) (z (f a)))
  (declare (type bit x))
  (+ x (* y z)))

Finally, a single ; can also be used to separate forms in implicit-progn, as in

'{let x :bit = 1
      y = 2 ** 3
      z = f a;         ;; end of binds
    print "Let binds"; ;; 1st form
    x + y * z}         ;; 2nd form of implicit-progn

(let ((x 1) (y (expt 2 3)) (z (f a)))
  (declare (type bit x))
  (print "Let binds")
  (+ x (* y z)))

Nesting of lets without parens follows the right-associativity

'{let a = f x;
    if a
      (g x)
      let b = h x;
        f b}

(let ((a (f x)))
  (if a
      (g x)
      (let ((b (h x)))
        (f b))))

Note the three levels of parens gone.


In addition to =. and .= OPs representing, respectively, a single setq and setf assignment, multiple assignments via SETs can be done using =,

'{psetq x =   cos a * x + sin a * y
        y = - sin a * x + cos a * y}

(psetq x (+ (* (cos a) x) (* (sin a) y))
       y (+ (- (* (sin a) x)) (* (cos a) y)))

If it is necessary to remove repeating sin a and cos a, it is easy to use let,

{let sin = sin a
     cos = cos a;
   psetq x =   cos * x + sin * y
         y = - sin * x + cos * y}

and in the case of SETF assignments, RHS are represented with a single expression,

'{psetf a ! 0 = {a ! 1}
        a ! 1 = {a ! 0}}

(psetf (aref a 0) (aref a 1)
       (aref a 1) (aref a 0))

Alternatively, it is possible to use a single ; as an expression-termination symbol,

'{psetf a ! 0 = a ! 1; ;; expr. termination via single ;
        a ! 1 = a ! 0}

(psetf (aref a 0) (aref a 1)
       (aref a 1) (aref a 0))

It is also possible to mix infix SETFs with other expressions:

'{f x + setf a = b
             c = d;
      * h a c}

(+ (f x)
    (setf a b
          c d)
    (h a c)))

Implicit progn

An implicit progn in BINFIX is achieved with a single ; separating the forms forming the progn. In all cases (->, :=, :- and LETs) the syntax is following that of the [LET example above](#LET ; progn example).

As expected, other progs have to be explicitly given,

'{x -> prog2 (format t "Calculating... ")
             {f $ x * x}
             (format t "done.~%")}


'{x -> prog2
         format t "Calculating... ";
         f {x * x};
         format t "done.~%"}

both producing the following form

(lambda (x)
  (prog2 (format t "Calculating... ") (f (* x x)) (format t "done.~%")))

Since BINFIX is a free-form notation, the following one-liner also works:

'{x -> prog2 format t "Calculating... "; f{x * x}; format t "done.~%"}

Binfix <& stands for prog1,

'{x -> {f {x * x} <&
        format t "Calculation done.~%"}}

(lambda (x) (prog1 (f (* x x)) (format t "Calculation done.~%")))


Infix $ is a vanishing OP, leaving only its arguments, effectivelly splitting the list in two parts.

'{f $ g $ h x y z}

(f (g (h x y z)))

So its effect here is similar to $ in Haskell. Or perphaps:

'{declare $ optimize (speed 1) (safety 1)}

(declare (optimize (speed 1) (safety 1)))

$plitter also allows writing a shorter cond, as in

(cond {p x $ f x}
      {q x $ g x}
      {r x $ h x}
      {t $ x})

compared to the equivalent

(cond ((p x) (f x))
      ((q x) (g x))
      ((r x) (h x))
      (t x))

Another splitter is ?, which can be used instead of $ in the previous example, as well as described in the next section.

Multiple-choice forms (cond, case, …)

An alternative syntax to describe multiple-choice forms is to use ? and ;

{cond p x ? f x;
      q x ? g x;
      r x ? h x;
        t ? x}

See also ordinal example below.

Destructuring, multiple values

Multiple values (values) are represented by .x., multiple-value-bind by =.. , and destructuring-bind by ..=

'{a (b) c ..= (f x) a + 1 .x. b + 2 .x. c + 3}

(destructuring-bind (a (b) c) (f x) (values (+ a 1) (+ b 2) (+ c 3)))

Another way to write the same expr:

'{a (b) c ..= (f x) values a + 1; b + 2; c + 3}

multiple-value-call is represented by .@.

'{#'list .@. 1 '(b 2) 3}

(multiple-value-call #'list 1 '(b 2) 3)

(1 (b 2) 3)

Both ..= and =.. can be nested,

'{a b c =.. (f x)
  x y z =.. (g z)
  a * x + b * y + c * z}

(multiple-value-bind (a b c)
    (f x)
  (multiple-value-bind (x y z) (g z) (+ (* a x) (* b y) (* c z))))


Loops can be also nested without writing parens:

'{loop for i = 1 to 3
       collect loop for j = 2 to 4
                    collect {i :. j}}

(loop for i = 1 to 3
      collect (loop for j = 2 to 4
                    collect (cons i j))) 


Mappings and function applications are what @-ops are all about, as summarized in the following table,

@ funcall
@. mapcar
@n mapcan
.@ mapc
..@ mapl
@/ reduce
@@ apply
.@. multiple-value-call

They all have the same priority and are right-associative, and, since they bind weaker than ->, are easy to string together with lambdas, as in a map-reduce expr.

{'max @/ x y -> abs{x - y} @. a b}


The following table summarizes BINFIX OPs for indexing, from the weakest to the strongest binding OP:

th-cdr nthcdr
th-bit logbitp
!..   th-valuenth-value
!. svref
.! elt
th nth
!!. row-major-aref
.!!. bit
!! aref
.!. bit
! aref

!.. and th-value are mere synonyms and thus of the same priority, as are .! !. and !!., while !! is a weaker binding !, allowing easier writting of expr. with arithmetic operations with indices, like

{a !! i + j}

{a !! i + j; 1- k;}

etc. In the same relation stand .!. and .!!.

Working with bits

Integer bit-logical BINFIX ops are given with a . after the name of OP, while bit-array version of the same OP with . before and after the name. For instance, {a or. b} transforms to (logior a b), while {a .or. b} transforms to (bit-ior a b).

Support for macros

If BINFIX terms only are inserted under backquote, everything should work fine,

'{let t1 = 'x
      t2 = '{x + x}
     `{x -> ,t1 / ,t2}}

(let ((t1 'x) (t2 '(+ x x)))
  `(lambda (x) (/ ,t1 ,t2)))

Replacing, however, BINFIX operations inside a backquoted BINFIX will not work. This is currently not considered as a problem because direct call of binfix will cover some important cases of macro transformations in a straightforward manner:

{m x y op = '/ type = :double-float :==
   let a = (gensym)
       b = (gensym)
     binfix `(let ,a ,type = ,x
                  ,b ,type = ,y
                {,a - ,b} ,op {,a + ,b})}

Now macro m works as expected:

(macroexpand-1 '(m (f x y) {a + b}))

(let ((#:g805 (f x y)) (#:g806 (+ a b)))
  (declare (type double-float #:g806)
           (type double-float #:g805))
  (/ (- #:g805 #:g806) (+ #:g805 #:g806)))


(macroexpand-1 '(m (f x y) {a + b}) * :double-float)

(let ((#:g817 (f x y)) (#:g818 (+ a b)))
  (declare (type double-float #:g817)
           (type double-float #:g818))
  (* (- #:g817 #:g818) (+ #:g817 #:g818)))

See more in [implementation details](#binfix macros)

More involved examples


Converting an integer into ordinal string in English can be defined as

{ordinal i :integer :=
   let* a = i mod 10
        b = i mod 100
      suf = {cond
               a = b = 1 || a = 1 && 21 <= b <= 91 ? "st";
               a = b = 2 || a = 2 && 22 <= b <= 92 ? "nd";
               a = b = 3 || a = 3 && 23 <= b <= 93 ? "rd";
                                                t  ? "th"}
        format () "~D~a" i suf}

It can be also written in a more “lispy” way without parens as

{ordinal1 i :integer :=
   let* a = i mod 10
        b = i mod 100
      suf = {cond
               = a b 1 or = a 1 and <= b 21 91 ? "st";
               = a b 2 or = a 2 and <= b 22 92 ? "nd";
               = a b 3 or = a 3 and <= b 23 93 ? "rd";
                                            t  ? "th"}
        format () "~D~a" i suf}

which can be tried using @. (mapcar)

{#'ordinal @. '(0 1 12 22 43 57 1901)}

("0th" "1st" "12th" "22nd" "43rd" "57th" "1901st")

(This example is picked up from Rust blog)


APL-ish joining of things into list:

  defgeneric join (a b) &

  join a :list  b :list :- append a b        &
  join a :t     b :list :- cons a b          &
  join a :list  b :t    :- append a (list b) &
  join a :t     b :t    :- list a b          &

  defbinfix '++ 'join 
; Must close here in order to use ++

{let e = '{2 in 'x ++ '(1 2 3) ++ '((a)) ++ -1 * 2}
    format t "~S~%=> ~S" e (eval e)}

Evaluation of the above returns t and prints the following

(member 2 (join 'x (join '(1 2 3) (join '((a)) (* -1 2)))))
=> (2 3 (a) -2)


Macro multiple-value-bind with symbol _ in variable list standing for an ignored value can be defined as

{values-bind v e &rest r :==
  let*  _ = ()
     vars = a -> if {a == '_} {car $ push (gensym) _} a @. v;
    `(multiple-value-bind ,vars ,e
        ,@{_ && `({declare $ ignore ,@_})}

So, for instance,

(macroexpand-1 '(values-bind (a _) (truncate 10 3) a))

(multiple-value-bind (a #:g823) (truncate 10 3) (declare (ignore #:g823)) a)


Nested BINFIX lambda lists can be used in definitions of macros, as in the following example of a procedural for-loop macro

{for (v :symbol from below by = 1) &rest r :==
  `(loop for,v fixnum from,from below,below ,@{by /= 1 && `(by,by)}
         do ,@r)}


(macroexpand-1 '(for (i 0 n)
                  {a ! i .= 1+ i}))

(loop for i fixnum from 0 below n
      do (setf (aref a i) (1+ i)))

Cartesian to polar coordinates

An example from Common LISP the Language 2nd ed. where cartesian coordinates are converted into polar coordinates via change of class can be straightforwardly written in BINFIX as

{def class position () ();

     class x-y-position (position) 
      x :initform 0 :initarg :x  
      y :initform 0 :initarg :y;

     class rho-theta-position (position) 
      rho :initform 0
      theta :initform 0

 def update-instance-for-different-class :before 
      old :x-y-position
      new :rho-theta-position &key :-
      ;; Copy the position information from old to new to make new 
      ;; be a rho-theta-position at the same position as old. 
        let x = slot-value old 'x 
            y = slot-value old 'y;
          slot-value new 'rho .= sqrt {x * x + y * y};
          slot-value new 'theta .= atan y x

;;; At this point an instance of the class x-y-position can be 
;;; changed to be an instance of the class rho-theta-position 
;;; using change-class: 

& p1 =. make-instance 'x-y-position :x 2 :y 0

& change-class p1 'rho-theta-position

;;; The result is that the instance bound to p1 is now 
;;; an instance of the class rho-theta-position. 
;;; The update-instance-for-different-class method 
;;; performed the initialization of the rho and theta 
;;; slots based on the values of the x and y slots, 
;;; which were maintained by the old instance.

where Steele's comments are left verbatim.


BINFIX expression is written as a list enclosed in curly brackets {} handled through LISP reader, so the usual syntax rules of LISP apply, e.g a+b is a single symbol, while a + b is three symbols. Lisp reader after tokenization calls the function binfix which does shallow transformation of BINFIX into S-expr representation of the expression.

BINFIX uses a simple rewrite algorithm that divides a list in two, LHS and RHS of the lowest priority infix operator found within the list, then recursively processes each one.


Bootstraping is done beginning with proto-BINFIX,

(defparameter *binfix*
  '(( &  progn)
    (:== def defmacro)
    (:=  def defun)
    (:-  def defmethod)
    ( =. setq)
    (.=  setf)
    (->  def lambda)
    (labels flet= labels)
    (let  let= let)
    (let* let= let*)
    (:.   cons)
    (||   or)
    (&&   and)
    (==   eql)
    (=c=  char=)
    (in   member)
    ( !   aref)))

(defun binfix (e &optional (ops *binfix*))
  (cond ((atom e) e)
        ((null ops) (if (cdr e) e (car e)))
        (t (let* ((op (car ops))
                  (i (position (pop op) e)))
             (if (null i)
               (binfix e (cdr ops))
                ,(if (eql (car op) 'def)
                    (subseq e 0 i)
                    (binfix (subseq e 0 i) (cdr ops)))
                ,(binfix (subseq e (1+ i)) ops)))))))

(set-macro-character #\{
  (lambda (s ch) (declare (ignore ch))
    (binfix (read-delimited-list #\} s t))))

(set-macro-character #\} (get-macro-character #\) ))

which captures the basics of BINFIX.

The next bootstrap phase defines macro def and, in the same single BINFIX expression, macros let= and flet=

{defmacro def (what args body)
  `(,what ,@(if {what == 'lambda}
              `(,(if {args && atom args} `(,args) args))
               (if (atom args) `(,args ()) `(,(car args),(cdr args))))
          ,body) &

 let= let lhs body &aux vars :==
  loop while {cadr body == '=}
     do {push `(,(car body),(caddr body)) vars &
         body =. cdddr body}
     finally (return (let ((let `(,let ,(nreverse vars) ,@body)))
                       (if lhs `(,@lhs ,let) let))) &

 flet= flet lhs body &aux funs :==
  loop for r = {'= in body} while r
       for (name . lambda) = (ldiff body r)
       do {push `(,name ,lambda ,(cadr r)) funs &
           body =. cddr r}
       finally (return (let ((flet `(,flet ,(nreverse funs) ,@body)))
                         (if lhs `(,@lhs ,flet) flet)))}

which wraps up proto-BINFIX.

Since v0.15, BINFIX interns a symbol consisting of a single ; char not followed by ; char, while two or more consequtive ; are interpreted as starting a comment. This behavior is limited to BINFIX expressions only, while outside of them the standard LISP rules apply.

Since v0.19, proto-BINFIX introduces unreduc property.

The rest is written using this syntax, and consists of handling of lambda lists and lets, a longer list of OPs with properties, redefined binfix to its full capability, and, finally, several interface functions for dealing with OPs (lsbinfix, defbinfix and rmbinfix).

Priorities of operations in proto-BINIFIX are given only relatively, with no numerical values and thus with no two operations of the same priority.

Since v0.20, symbol of a BINFIX operation has a list of properties stored into the symbol property binfix::properties, which includes a numerically given priority of the OP (which also considerably speeds up parsing.) The actual value of number representing priority is supposed to be immaterial since only relation to other OPs priority values is relevant. Defining new same-priority OPs should be done via defbinfix with :as option, which may change priority values of many other OPs.

Since shallow transformation into standard syntax is done by function binfix invoked recursively by the reader, binfix cannot be directly called for arbitrary macro transformation of BINFIX into BINFIX when standard macro helpers BACKTICK, COMA and COMA-AT are used. The reason is that {} is invoked before them while the correct order would be after them. Examples of succesful combinations of backquoting and BINFIX are given [above](#Support for macros).


Operation properties

:def – Operation (OP) is a definition requiring LHS to has a name and lambda list.

:defm – OP is a definition requiring LHS to have a name followed by unparenthesized method lambda list.

:lhs-lambda – OP has lambda list as its LHS.

:rhs-lbinds – OP has let-binds at the beginning of its LHS,
[symbol [keyword] = expr]* declaration*

:rhs-fbinds – OP has flet-binds at the beginning of its LHS, including optional declarations.

:rhs-sbinds – OP has symbol-binds as its RHS. They are let-binds without annotations or declarations, [symbol = expr+]+

:rhs-ebinds – OP has expr-binds at the beginning of its RHS, [expr+ = expr]*

:unreduce – All appearances of OP at the current level should be unreduced, i.e replaced with a single call with multiple arguments.

:left-assoc – OP is left–associative (OPs are right-associative by default.)

:prefix – OP is prefix with RHS being its arguments, given as one or more atoms/S-expr or a single ; separated B-expr.

:also-prefix – OP can be used as prefix when LHS is missing.

:also-unary – OP can be used as unary when LHS is missing.

:also-postfix – OP can be used as postfix when RHS is missing.

:lambda/expr – OP takes lambda-list at LHS and an expression at RHS, followed by body.

:syms/expr – OP takes a list of symbols as LHS (each with an optional keyword-type annotation,) an expression as RHS followed by optional declarations and a BINFIX-expression.

#'my-fun – function my-fun will be applied to the untransformed RHS.

:split – OP splits the expr at this point.

:rhs-args – OP takes LHS as 1st and RHS as remaining arguments.

:macro – OP is a macro.

List of all operations



prints the table of all BINFIX OPs and their properties from the weakest- to the strongest-binding OP, with parens enclosing OP(s) of the same priority:

  BINFIX         LISP            Properties
( <&             prog1 )
( &              progn           :unreduce )
( def            binfix::defs    :macro )
( let            let             :rhs-lbinds
  let*           let*            :rhs-lbinds
  symbol-macrolet                symbol-macrolet :rhs-lbinds
  prog*          prog*           :rhs-lbinds
  prog           prog            :rhs-lbinds )
( macrolet       macrolet        :rhs-fbinds
  flet           flet            :rhs-fbinds
  labels         labels          :rhs-fbinds )
( :==            defmacro        :def
  :=             defun           :def
  :-             defmethod       :defm
  :type=         deftype         :def )
( block          block           :prefix
  tagbody        tagbody         :prefix
  catch          catch           :prefix
  prog1          prog1           :prefix
  prog2          prog2           :prefix
  progn          progn           :prefix
  cond           cond            :prefix
  case           case            :prefix
  ccase          ccase           :prefix
  ecase          ecase           :prefix
  typecase       typecase        :prefix
  etypecase      etypecase       :prefix
  ctypecase      ctypecase       :prefix )
( ?              nil             :split )
( $              nil             :split )
( .=             setf
  +=             incf
  -=             decf
  =.             setq
  .=.            set )
( setq           setq            :rhs-sbinds
  set            set             :rhs-sbinds
  psetq          psetq           :rhs-sbinds )
( setf           setf            :rhs-ebinds
  psetf          psetf           :rhs-ebinds )
( .@             mapc            :rhs-args
  ..@            mapl            :rhs-args
  @/             reduce          :rhs-args
  @.             mapcar          :rhs-args
  @..            maplist         :rhs-args
  @n             mapcan          :rhs-args
  @.n            mapcon          :rhs-args
  @@             apply           :rhs-args
  .@.            multiple-value-call             :rhs-args
  @              funcall         :rhs-args       :left-assoc     :also-postfix )
( :->            function        :lhs-lambda )
( ->             lambda          :lhs-lambda )
( =..            multiple-value-bind             :syms/expr )
( ..=            destructuring-bind              :lambda/expr )
( values         values          :prefix
  .x.            values          :unreduce       :also-prefix )
( loop           #<FUNCTION identity>            :prefix )
( ||             or              :unreduce
  or             or              :unreduce       :also-prefix )
( &&             and             :unreduce
  and            and             :unreduce       :also-prefix )
( ===            equalp )
( equal          equal )
( ==             eql )
( eql            eql             :also-prefix )
( eq             eq )
( subtype-of     subtypep )
( :|.|           cons )
( in             member )
( th-cdr         nthcdr )
( =s=            string= )
( =c=            char=           :unreduce )
( =              =               :unreduce       :also-prefix )
( /=             /=              :unreduce       :also-prefix )
( <              <               :unreduce       :also-prefix )
( >              >               :unreduce       :also-prefix )
( <=             <=              :unreduce       :also-prefix )
( >=             >=              :unreduce       :also-prefix )
( th-bit         logbitp )
( coerce         coerce )
( !..            nth-value
  th-value       nth-value )
( th             nth )
( .!             elt
  !.             svref
  !!.            row-major-aref )
( !!             aref            :rhs-args )
( .!!.           bit             :rhs-args )
( .eqv.          bit-eqv         :rhs-args )
( .or.           bit-ior         :rhs-args )
( .xor.          bit-xor         :rhs-args )
( .and.          bit-and         :rhs-args )
( .nand.         bit-and         :rhs-args )
( .nor.          bit-nor         :rhs-args )
( .not.          bit-not         :also-unary )
( .orc1.         bit-orc1        :rhs-args )
( .orc2.         bit-orc2        :rhs-args )
( .andc1.        bit-andc1       :rhs-args )
( .andc2.        bit-andc2       :rhs-args )
( dpb            dpb             :rhs-args )
( ldb            ldb )
( ldb-test       ldb-test )
( deposit-field  deposit-field   :rhs-args )
( mask-field     mask-field )
( byte           byte )
( eqv.           logeqv          :also-unary     :unreduce )
( or.            logior          :also-unary     :unreduce )
( xor.           logxor          :also-unary     :unreduce )
( and.           logand          :also-unary     :unreduce )
( nand.          lognand )
( nor.           lognor )
( test.          logtest )
( orc1.          logorc1 )
( orc2.          logorc2 )
( andc1.         logandc1 )
( andc2.         logandc2 )
( <<             ash )
( lcm            lcm             :also-unary     :unreduce )
( gcd            gcd             :also-unary     :unreduce )
( mod            mod )
( rem            rem )
( min            min             :also-prefix    :unreduce
  max            max             :also-prefix    :unreduce )
( +              +               :also-unary     :unreduce )
( -              -               :also-unary     :unreduce )
( /              /               :also-unary )
( *              *               :also-prefix    :unreduce )
( **             expt )
( .!.            bit             :rhs-args )
( !              aref            :rhs-args )
( |;|            |;| )
